Wednesday, February 24, 2010

when your world trembles and quakes...

now that i am working on my post-100 posts, i'm pretty much a seasoned veteran, yeah?
well that's how i feel, so don't pop my balloon :)

life is tough.

it's not always pretty pictures of flowers and stitchings and black tea {as seen on all of our daily blogs}.

today, as i reflect on some of the big stuff going on
{not so much in me, but in those around me}

i have to share these observations

the sun peaking out in the middle of a rainy day means something to me.

having painted nails makes me happy.

sweet texts from boy before bed help me to wake up with a smile on my face.

bumping into a newly designated "closest friend" at the coffee shop makes my day.

kind words to/from people at the gas station or grocery store will always put me in a better mood.

listening to corner, love love love, and are we there yet on repeat = catalyst for a pleasant disposition.

a reminder of God's continual love and goodness is bigger and better than anything else.

in the midst of it all...
the good, the ugly, the sad, and the lovely...

there's always room for just a smidgen of hope
i just love that.

{i would love to know what you delight in! share with me, please?}

"there is nothing left to lose, so hold onto me, i'll onto you." 
{allie moss}
ps. pretty sure i've used these lyrics before, but the song is too delicious to only share once.


sarah. said...

you (& your posts) make my heart sing. :) thanks, lady.

Lillian C said...

Thank you so much for you visit on my blog :)
I delight in...the sound of the ocean & the sand beneath my feet, children's laughter, having a wonderful meal (and if i get it for cheap, that's even better :), and any moment spent with friends&family :)

It seems like the best things in life are always the simplest.

BPremo said...

reading this was so uplifting!

Christina said...

Ramen noodles, clear days and coffee make me smile today.

Joey Brisson said...

Hmm, genuine smiles from the girl
rain when it's sunny out
doggies that are nice
views, maps, pictures, weather,
early, early mornings

Stephanie said...

What about the sun peeking through the clouds after a stormy afternoon?

Jordy, I love your list of simple pleasures :D
brings me out of my troubles and helps me remember life's little pleasures that God has given to us each day

Sarah Whitney said...

I agree, there's always hope. And as far as the little things I love.. my kitty cat and her unconditional love. I'm such a cat lady haha

Kelly said...

Hope. My favorite word. Yes. if we could all have the lives that displays on our blogs, we wouldn't need Jesus. Keep us updated on the Big Things!

for me ~

early mornings in the word. ALONE.
understanding when someone asks me a question. {in french}
friends. like you.
sadie's voice.
feeling Jesus' presence.
when Matt prays.
hearing about miracles.
talking to my mom. {which I do not do enough}

Blue Eyed Night Owl said...

Thank you so much for your comment. I think we have much in common too, I can't believe all the music you like as well, even Tristan Prettyman, I've never met anyone who listened to her.

We also have around the same amount of posts, what are the odds?!

In the chaos of all the lovely blogs, I forgot to pop in at yours, I subscribed just now so that won't happen again. I recall some red lipstick from the last time I visited...

Take care!